The Difference Between Bonding and Contouring

April 26, 2018

The appearance of your smile can play a key role in your self-confidence and self-esteem. Helping you improve your smile’s appearance is almost as important as helping you to maintain your smile’s health. It is important to remember that your dentist’s goal is always to make sure that you preserve the maximum amount of healthy, natural tooth structure. Your oral health is priority when it comes to improving your smile’s appearance. Dental bonding and contouring are both cosmetic treatments that create dramatic results for your smile’s appearance without having to modify a large amounts of tooth structure. But what is the difference between dental bonding and dental contouring

Bonding: Adding to a Tooth’s Structure

Tooth bonding is typically a more common procedure than tooth contouring. It involves precisely bonding tooth-colored composite resin (the same material used in tooth-colored fillings) to the surface of a tooth or multiple teeth. The resin can be custom-tinted to mimic the unique shade and color of your natural teeth is applied to your tooth and sculpted to the desired shape and sized. The material will be hardened and polished to a natural-looking appearance. Bonding can be a great option for teeth that are uneven in size or shape, to fill in small gaps, or to cover intrinsic stains or other surface-level issues.

Contouring: Reshaping a Tooth

There are several situations where adding to your tooth’s structure cannot address the issue. For instance, if you have one tooth that slightly overlaps another or if you have a tooth with a jagged edge longer than the rest of your teeth. Contouring is a process where your dentist will carefully sculpt the edges of your tooth to create a more symmetrical tooth and uniform smile. In some situations, a combination of bonding and contouring for different teeth can be the best route to reach their smile goals. There are also smiles that may require more extensive treatments to get the smile to its healthiest point.

Is Bonding or Contouring Right for Your Smile?

Bonding and contouring can both help to address your smile’s cosmetic needs. To schedule a consultation, call E-Care Dentistry, PA in Olathe, KS, today at 913-210-1701. We also proudly serve patients from Overland Park, Lenexa, Leawood, Gardner, and all surrounding communities.